A few tricks to make your eyeshadow last longer! | Secrets to making your eyeshadow vibrant

Extend the wear of your eye makeup with a few little tricks that will step up your eyelash game. Have you ever heard the term ” eyeshadow base ” or ” eyeshadow primer ” ? Eyeshadow base is not the same as primer! Eyeshadow base is a base that is applied before your eyeshadow in order to enchance a shadows colour, it also bonds to the colour and you can get eyeshadow base in a range of colours. Eyeshadow base was what existed before the ” eyeshadow primer ” was born!

Below is a fantastic video on why and how choosing your base enhances the finished look, its really educational and worth a watch. There are a few other videos I added to this post that are really informative and will change your makeup game forever. You can thank me by subscribing to my blog!

Eyeshadow primers are liquid or cream products that you apply to your eyelids before eyeshadow they act as like a double sided tape, gripping onto the colour. Primer creates a base to work on by absorbing excess oil preventing greasy eyelids which can cause creases throughout the day. Dry or greasy or lids without primer will loose pigment throughout the day from eyeshadows and it will also be uneven and not stay in place. Primers have different shades just like a simple eyeshadow base that also make the colours pop! So if you have some strong eyeshadow colours at home get yourself a primer or watch some youtube tutorials and get clued up !!